Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) for Scar Release
How does it work?
Let’s pretend that scar tissue is like putty; in the beginning it’s soft and very malleable, but then over time it gets harder and stiffer to a point where it can no longer be shaped. Scar tissue is very much the same, in that as time goes on, the window for softening it and making it smooth closes.
If we can talk science for a moment, healthy skin is negatively charged (remember all those ion pumps in high school?). Conversely, scar tissue that doesn’t heal well becomes positively charged over time. On a cellular level this scar tissue (collagen fibres) are laid down in a disorganised fashion and feel inflexible and stiff to touch. If these fibres remain disorganised then healing can be inhibited, leading to pain and other adverse effects. This is why multiple studies have been conducted to explore how electrical stimulation can enhance healing.
MPS treatment uses a very gentle negative electrical current to reverse the polarity of the scar tissue from positive to negative again. Once this reversal in polarity is accomplished the scar is once again receptive to massage and stretching. It can be broken down and released from the surrounding structures. If we remember the putty analogy, the MPS will make the putty soft again, but the post-treatment massage is where the magic happens. This is why first appointments with me are 90 minutes and all follow-ups are 60 min in length. My goal is to ensure thorough and effective scar release of not only the scar itself, but the adjacent fascia.
Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) has many wonderful uses, however my favourite will always be its ability to soften and release scars both new and old, especially C-section scars. There can be a great deal of emotion tied to scars and how they occurred. If I can help someone improve the way they think and feel about their scar, then my cup is full.
How effective is it?
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t skeptical before using MPS with my own clients. But after hearing about it from a respected physio I decided to take a chance and invest, because I knew that if it really did what it claimed, it was going to be a game changer.
I wasn’t disappointed.
The first client I used it with was in her 70’s with two C sections approximately 50 and 48 years prior. Her scar was vertically oriented with deep dimpling in the middle that I couldn’t lift up because it was so adhesed.
I’m kicking myself now for not having taken photos, but after 4 sessions I was sold. She had better digestion, no longer felt pulling when doing her yoga class, and her back pain was improving.
These days I use it with confidence to relieve sensations of tugging and pain as well as to improve C-section shelf appearance.
Does it hurt?
MPS can produce an uncomfortable sensation (like a strong tingling) in newer scars. In these cases it is easy to simply reduce the intensity of the current.
I would say that the subsequent scar massage has more potential to create soreness than the actual MPS treatment itself.
How many sessions will I need?
My clients typically require 4-5 treatments to achieve desired results. This can vary, however, depending on size, age, and degree of scar adhesion. In cases where individuals have a propensity for hypertrophic or keloid scarring, more treatments may be required. For best results, treatments should be booked at one week intervals.
Will my scar get tight again?
Following each treatment, it is crucial to mobilize and stretch the scar daily to avoid partially losing gains. After each visit you’ll be provided with tailored recommendations on how to do this on your own.
I know someone who had it done and they said it doesn’t work.
In my experience, there are two reasons why MPS doesn’t work for C-section scars; #1) There weren’t any adhesions to begin with and the C-section shelf was caused by other reasons such as stretched out skin or increased weight gain in the abdominal area. #2) The treatment these people received didn’t include sufficient manual scar and fascial release if at all. I’ve had a client come to me after seeing another practitioner for MPS who said she only received the MPS with no aftercare or instructions. After hearing this I wasn’t surprised that she didn’t notice any results. If you’re shopping for MPS providers, a quick giveaway is duration of the appointment. I’ve seen clinics offering 30 min follow-up appointments which tells me that there likely isn’t any manual treatment included.
What can I expect?
My MPS assessments are 90 minutes long and for very good reason; during your first visit you can expect a thorough assessment of your scar and the affected soft tissue. It’s also important to investigate the surrounding areas above and below the scar I’ll ask about your specific goals and concerns for how you would like to improve your scar texture, appearance, and/or mobility. You can also expect questions about impacts on daily life including regular movements, exercise, pain, and bowel and bladder function (for abdominal scars).
For C-section scar release clients, other important aspects such as core function, rib and spinal alignment, and presence of diastases recti will also be assessed. The MPS application itself can take up to 30 min and this is immediately followed by 30 min of manual scar massage. Before you go, you’ll also be assigned homework to maintain gains in scar and fascial flexibility. I also strongly advise lots of water intake to help flush the system and hydrate the fascia.
Dolphin Neurostim Professional for Microcurrent Point Stimulation.
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